15 Best Money Making Books That Played a Key Role in Shaping My Millionaire Mindset.

More than half the population of America runs behind monthly paychecks! These people are left helpless in an overnight emergency that costs $1000 just due to a lack of saving knowledge. We try to learn a bunch of things until adulthood, but we flunk the knowledge of money! I listed my 15 best books on how to make money below that might help you.

Best Money Making Books to Read

Many have screwed up ideas on making, managing and investing money. Let me break the ice and get straight to the point. Take my list of money making books to the Amazon Store Online and help yourself to dump the bad finance habits and level up your skills in finance.

15 Best Books on How to Make Money

Best Money Making Books To Read Overall

  1. Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki:  
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Best Money Making Books

My personal favourite on the list! It will instantly grab you to level 5. A great advantage of the book is that it not only provides you with the theoretical idea of money.

But Robert compares two different people’s mindsets, situations, decisions, and ideas of money and the impact it created on their lives. Your ideology of money will be impacted after reading this book.

  1. The 4-hour work week by Tim Ferriss:
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Best Money Making Books

If you are reading my blog until this, of course, you either hate your job or the 9-5 life you are stuck on. Tim has made many millionaires around the world through the book. Do you need to work 9-5? Obviously No!

Laser focus for 4 hours on the ideas you picked to make money is more than enough according to Tim. It will make you realize that there is no need to trade your time for money with practical examples. Wholly the idea of the book is, that you don’t need to work 9-5 until your retirement and enjoy just a few years.

  1. Think and grow rich by Napoleon hill
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Best Money Making Books

The second one is my favourite! It resolves your issues with a money mindset. This classic book on money has sold more than 80 Million copies and translated into many languages around the world.

Best Money Making Books to Read For Beginners

  1. I will teach you to be rich by Ramit Sethi
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Best Money Making Books

The name may sound a bit cliché but not the book! Ramit’s blog on finances during his college years and the knowledge he learnt through it allowed him to write the best-selling book on personal finance.

Every adult, especially millennials like me, needs to read his book at least once to understand the concept of money. It practically teaches you to resolve the financial mistakes you have made. You will connect to the book and learn from your own mistakes.

  1. The Millionaire Fastlane by MJ Demarco
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Best Money Making Books

The book speaks of the hard reality of An hourly shift of 9-5 will never make you wealthy! At any point in time, you need to create 3-4 income streams to escape the rat race.  A negative of the book is that it is written for men but has great lessons in it!

  1. The psychology of money by Morgan Housel
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Best Money Making Books

Have you ever thought of the differences money bought within us? You and I have different situations, we may be born in different generations so our decisions differ. The same applies to money!

For instance, if we both have 1M dollars, our ideas of expenditure or investment will be completely different right? Even the luck and capability to take risks bring the difference. So many more psychological things about money are crystal clearly explained in the book! It solved many questions that aroused in me, do give it a try, you may be cleared too.

Best Money Making Books to Read For Investors

  1. The Richest Man in Babylon by George s Clayson
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The Richest Man in Babylon by George s Clayson – Best Money making books

The second classic in the list which was written in the 19th century yet it relates till date. The book is narrated in a fictional way, the characters in the city of Babylon have different situations, make different mistakes and how they learn their finances.

Why Babylon? Babylon was the richest country during that time, and the people who lived there valued their money. George puts up the basic concepts like the necessity of your desire, saving from your income, investment plans, improving the skills and about the gold. It is the right pick for a complete beginner, especially if you are in your late thirties or early forties.

  1. The Millionaire Next Door by Thomas J. Stanley
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The Millionaire Next Door by Thomas J. Stanley-best books on How to make money

Thinking about a million dollars sometimes makes us dizzy but Thomas breaks the ice and says in the book, it just lies in planning and avoiding mistakes. He came up with a formula to calculate your wealth according to your income and taxes. To know the formula just click the link here.

It’s not another talking about passive income or business to level up your income. It teaches you to handle the money you have in your hand. In the book, he explains the concepts of being frugal, the influence of time and energy on money and so much more.

  1. Your money or your life by Vicki Robin
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Your money or your life by Vicki Robin
-best money making books

As the name says, this book does not push you towards being a millionaire or even to achieve financial freedom. It tells the steps to dump your 9-5 and live a debt-free life.

Have you calculated the income and outflow of your money? I’m sure you will calculate after reading the book, I did it! You must have detailed knowledge about these to make decisions. Letting your money make money is an important skill to dump your 9-5 work, as it trades you the money for your time.

Best Money Making Books to Read For Enterpreneurs

  1. The Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey
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The Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey– best money making books

Debt or EMI has started being normal, but does it? No, Dave gives steps to close your debts step by step.  You need to change yourself to make the money makeover. He explains the 5 obstacles to money makeover like myths about money, myths about debt etc.

The book tells you the importance of emergency funds, retirement money and money for college. Because these three take huge sums you may fall into a debt pit. Give yourself time and think about a debt-free, life with retirement settlement! Grab the book here

  1. The simple path to wealth by J.L Collins
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The simple path to wealth by J.L Collins – best books on how to make money

Will you believe that these are the letters a wealthy man gave to his daughter to achieve her financial freedom? Wealth is not living a luxurious life, it’s about freedom and time.

He tells about the necessity of investment and also explains clearly about the market and simple investment plans. He also tells in detail about the importance of maintaining the portfolio. This book is a great pick if you are a beginner and interested in the share market.

  1. Passive income – aggressive retirement by Rachel Richards
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Passive income – aggressive retirement by Rachel Richards

The most beginner-friendly book on the list! Generating a passive income flow is the key to dumping your 9-5 work. Rachel clearly broke down all the major passive income methods including early retirement.

This book will bring you an understanding of diverse passive income streams like rental, real estate, royalty, portfolio income and so much more. It will be a good start towards your financial freedom.

Best Money Making Books to Read For Financial Freedom

  1. The Automatic Millionaire by David Bach
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The Automatic Millionaire

David says that there is no need to make more money to be healthy. Every finance book you find, tells you to be disciplined but unlike other books, it shows you the way to be a millionaire without discipline.

Really? Can a person be a millionaire without discipline? David didn’t stop there! He explained the ways to make money even without discipline. Create an automatic system to make your money invest directly. So you’ll invest every month without fail. He also stresses the importance of paying yourself. To learn more concepts from the book, click here.

  1. You are a badass at Making Money by Jen Sincero
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You are a badass at Making Money by Jen Sincero

There exists a common ideology around the world that being poor is righteous and owning massive money is immoral! I’m sure Jesus will never punish you to have the knowledge of making money.

Every person with this mindset will need the book in their syllabus. You must have the desire to make money to have specific financial goals. This book will change your negative attitude toward money.

  1. Clever Girl Finance by Bola Sokunbi
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Clever Girl Finance by Bola Sokunbi – best books on how to make money

Finally, a book for the women on the list! Bola Sokunbi is a financial expert, who stresses the importance of financial literacy to every woman. She explains concepts like budgeting, automatic saving plans, investing and so much more.

The concept of tax benefits is clearly explained in the book. She also gave many strategies to invest for a long time. Every girl must read Clever Girl Finance.

Share your favorite money-making book or the most valuable lesson you’ve learned on your financial journey in the comments below

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